Do you really need a model for abstract drawings?

Dialogue between myself and a life model regarding use of models for abstract work….

John Ligda
06/29/18 05:19 AM
Hi Ava,

I will be visiting your area this weekend to collaborate with a local artist. I’m looking for 3-4 hours of life modelling in exchange for a drawing or stipend + meals + transportation.

Do you have availability?


Ava Cali
06/29/18 07:37 PM
Hello, thank you for reaching out. I looked at your work and it’s very cool. It’s quite abstract and my only question is…do you really need a model for this idea? Is there less abstract work that you’ve done recently?

John Ligda
06/29/18 10:52 PM
Hi Ava, your response is appreciated and interesting. Abstraction can be both objective and subjective. There is some recent work on Instagram, although I’m just starting to post on social media after about 8 months break. So no, no recent non abstract. I’m simply not interested in realism; photographers can do this. Achieving a heightened state of existence, in conjunction with another human being( a model) while operating at the highest possible level, responding authentically to extraordinary moments of vulnerability and beauty does interest me. The fact is I don’t know what my response will be. There is no formula and there is no idea. There is willingness. Willingness for what? You might ask. And this is a good question. The answer might be, ‘willingness to let some other part of consciousness take hold of the brain, exercising itself to increase perception, intuition, intelligence, and talent.’ Sometimes drawings end up realistic, other times not at all.
So I realize my ‘process’ is not for everyone and I won’t take it personally if you are not I interested. We should all participate in activities which are believed to improve our lives and make us better human beings. What I’m doing is obtuse but I completely believe in it as a spiritual and intellectual exercise. The drawing, if anything good results, is a by product.

And finally, to answer the initial part of your question, ‘is a model necessary’ yes. The model imparts a sense of investment and belief. I also allow myself to forgo limitations with how two people share space and communicate. Paper, music, physical expression. Through posses, is a totally safe space to believe two minds can operate as one. Something in this world must still be mysterious right? So in this sense we are exploring.

Thank you for the question Ava. I have done my best to answer sincerely. It’s not a simple answer so I apologize for so many words. Again it’s no problem if you find all this unappealing and want to pass. It’s not for everybody.


Ava Cali
06/30/18 08:57 AM
Hello John, what an in depth answer to a somewhat insensitive question. I’m sorry if my question was offensive, but I’m honestly glad I asked because your response itself was artfully crafted and made so much sense. I hope you continue to do what moves you. Your end result is very creative and beautiful.
In regards to this weekend, I have 6 friends here from all over and would like to spend time with them. I hope you find someone who can spark your creativity and that you both enjoy the process! Thank you for reaching out and for the time you took to respond to my question.
All my best, Ava

John Ligda
07/02/18 07:46 PM
HI Ava,

I took no offense to your question and found the answer to come easily. For this it is I who should thank you. I have a model in your area I work with regularly so the trip is always worth it. I’ll make the trip again this year. Shall I let you know ahead a time?

Ava Cali
07/05/18 07:24 AM
Absolutely. I’d be happy to work with you. I can stay still for quite a long time if needed. I am traveling a lot right now, so we will see if it all works out!


Reykjavík Jan 12th - 27th 2019